
The Celebration

Oak Tree Lane wound it's way through the Elvin Forest, from the high end where Ye Olde Schoolhouse stood on top of the hill, all the way into the Deep Forest and the Ent Wood.

For most of the time, Oak Tree Lane was a very quiet and restful place. Except when all the Elvin folk got together to celebrate a special occasion.

It was on one of these special occasions that the Elvin Forest became a hive of activity. There were Elves, Sprites, Centaurs and Unicorns all dressed in their finest garments and gathered together at the Four Ways Inn. They were there to welcome the Inn's newly arrived guests, Ruggiero and his loyal companion, Fleetwood.

The folk of the Elvin Forest did this whenever someone new arrived, or was leaving, or having a birthday, actually they would look for any old excuse to hold a party.

Ruggiero was a Warrior Knight of some renown and Fleetwood his Hippogriff steed. They had a very special bond with each other, a bond that no other in the Elvin Forest, until now, even knew existed. It was lucky for Ruggiero that the bond between them did exit, or he never would have escaped from the Tower on Ice Mountain.

The only folk not in attendance were the Guardians. It wasn't their place to intrude upon social engagements, they were the onlookers, the invisible minders of the Elvin Forest. And so, on this warm summer evening, it was up to Theron to be the head of the welcoming committee.

He tapped on the chalice that stood on the table before him, "Quiet, everyone please sit down and be quiet," he said in a loud voice. No-one was listening, the chattering continued. "Silence! Sit down!" he bellowed. The room fell silent. Suddenly, there was a great shuffle of feet, as they quickly sat down on the nearest chair or stool.

Theron turned towards Ruggiero and Fleetwood and said, "It's very rare we have visitors come to stay at the inn, but you are most welcome, please stay as long as you wish." Ruggiero thanked Theron and before he had a chance to say another word, the food began arriving at the table. Metal clashed and tin cups rattled as the hungry Elves and Sprites passed their tin plates back and forth.

Fleetwood had never quite understood why people sat at a table to eat, he ate his meals wherever he found them. He became quite mesmerised by the flow of food appearing and just as quickly disappearing before him. He whispered to Ruggiero, "These forest dwellers must have a very large larder and a great number of cooks to provide all this." Ruggiero laughed out loud, "Ha ha ha, have you forgotten the ancient tales of the Elvin Forest?" Fleetwood looked at him, tilting his head slightly to the side in a questioning manner. "The Elves can work magic." Ruggiero continued as a pie flew by his ear.

There was much laughter, while they all ate their fill and their voices became louder as more and more nectar lubricated their throats. Everyone was enjoying this party, especially the young Princess Hera and her friend Pegasus, who had quietly snuck pass the cooks in the kitchen to find a small table in the corner. The two youngsters watched, as one by one the party guests fell asleep, and when the last had closed his eyes, they quietly raided the tables and ate the last of the food. It wasn't long before they too were sleeping.

The old clock on the wall struck midnight, no one stirred and the only sound to be heard was that of muffled snoring.

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